Patient- and Family-Centered Care at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital
At Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, we embrace a patient- and family-centered care (PFCC) approach to healthcare. Under this philosophy, patients, their families and healthcare providers are partners in the moments that count on a child’s health journey, from diagnosis to treatment and recovery. It is our honor to be entrusted with a child’s care, and we work together to best meet the needs of the child.
How Does PFCC Differ from Other Health Care Services?
Health care service that is truly patient- and family-centered includes:
- Understanding and respecting patients’ cultural traditions, their personal preferences and values, their family situations and their lifestyles
- Giving patients and their families the opportunity to make choices about many aspects of their care and the healthcare service delivery process
- Involving patients and their loved ones as part of the care team, collaborating with healthcare professionals in making clinical decisions about their healthcare services
- Putting responsibility for important aspects of self-care and monitoring in patients’ hands – along with the tools and support they need
- Ensuring that transitions between providers, departments and healthcare settings are respectful, coordinated and efficient
- Input from Patient and Family Advisory Councils
Why Is Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Committed to PFCC?
Patient- and family-centered care is a philosophy of healthcare that we believe best serves the needs of our patients and their families, our employees and our physicians.

Patient- and Family-Centered Care
What Kinds of PFCC Resources Does Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Provide?
Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital has Patient and Family Resource Centers that provide practical, beneficial health-related information, hospitality services and community information and support. These resource centers, as well as many of our hospital policies, have been created with direct input from our Patient and Family Advisory Councils.
Why Should You Become a Patient and Family Advisor?
Because you are a consumer of healthcare services, your observations and ideas about what does and doesn't work for you and your family are powerful tools for enhancing the quality of Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. As a member of a Patient and Family Advisory Council, you can help us design programs and services that meet real health care needs as patients and families define them. Learn more about Patient and Family Advisory Councils.
More Information About Patient- and Family-Centered Care
For general information about the philosophy and practice of patient- and family-centered care, visit the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care.