NHL Star Sasha Barkov Catches the Love with Joe DiMaggio Childrens Hospital Foundation Partnership
June 09, 2021

Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation recently welcomed Aleksander “Sasha” Barkov back to the children’s hospital for a meet & greet with patients and the presentation of a check for the nonprofit’s “Catch the Love” fundraising campaign.
The Florida Panthers captain was on-site for the first time since COVID-19 guidelines restricted visitation and used the occasion to present a check for nearly $75,000 to Memorial Healthcare System leaders. The dollars are the result of Barkov’s ongoing philanthropic campaign (#BarkovScores4JoeD) for Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and will be part of the capital campaign’s $56 million commitment to underwrite a significant portion of the $165 million cost to expand the pediatric facility. The four floors currently being added will enable the Hollywood-based facility to treat even more of the most complex and critical pediatric conditions.
Barkov’s season-long campaign for ‘Joe D.’ included $1,600 for each of the 27 goals he scored and $800 for each of the 38 he assisted on during the Panthers recently concluded hockey season. He also provided a suite at each Panthers home game for use by those connected to the hospital.
“It means a lot to contribute, more and more each day, especially when I see the photos of these kids at our games,” said Barkov, the 2020-21 winner of the NHL’s Selke Trophy. “I’m just trying to help in some kind of way and am proud to be a part of this great community.”
During the past two (COVID-shortened) hockey seasons, Barkov has contributed more than $105,000 to the children’s hospital’s nonprofit foundation. “We have a great relationship with Sasha as he continues to support everything we’re doing at the children’s hospital,” said Kevin Janser, Memorial Healthcare System vice president and chief development officer at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation.
Florida Panther's Aleksander Barkov Donates To Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital