Weight Loss Surgery Gave Ryan a New Lease on Life
June 01, 2021

At age 16 and 308 pounds, Ryan had significant health issues — Type II diabetes, high cholesterol, high triglycerides.
“I hated photos,” Ryan said. “I’d hide behind people.”
He tried diets and exercise, but the weight kept coming back. “Ryan is a really, really good kid, and he struggled,” said Brett Cohen, MD, Chief, Bariatric Surgery. “He came to us as one of our first adolescents.”
Teens like Ryan are why Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital offers an adolescent weight-loss surgery program. Bariatric surgery is not for everyone, but when it’s the right option, comprehensive care from our supportive team of experts can help them take control of their health for a longer, happier life.
Ryan had surgery just before his 19th birthday. Today, his weight is 200, and he remains committed to the lifestyle changes he’s made.
“Losing all that weight was such a confidence booster,” Ryan said, “and I don’t have health issues anymore!”

Adolescent Weight-Loss Surgery - Ryan's Story