Children running PE class

EKG Community Screening

Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital in partnership with Who We Play For can come out to your school, sports organization or community to provide free EKG screenings for children ages 10 to 21.  

Together, we can make a lasting impact on the well-being of our youth

We’re committed to promoting heart health and ensuring early detection of cardiac issues among young people. By bringing EKG screenings to your organization, school, or community, you can help create a safer and healthier environment.

Community EKG Screening

Fill out the form below to request an EKG screening event at your location and take an essential step toward supporting heart health.

What is an EKG ?

What is an EKG ?

What to expect at an EKG testing

What to expect at an EKG testing

How to prepare your child for an EKG
Do not wear oily or greasy skin creams and lotions because they can prevent the electrode from making skin contact.
Do not wear full-length stockings because electrodes need to be placed directly on the legs.
Wear a shirt that can be easily removed.
What is an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) - Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital

What is an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) - Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital

A pediatric electrocardiogram (also known as ECG or EKG) is a painless, noninvasive way to measures the electrical activity of a child's heart.

By positioning electrodes (electrical sensing devices) on the body in standardized locations, a pediatric EKG can help detect certain abnormal heart rhythms and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

For your student’s safety, a sports physical by a physician must be completed first. If you don’t have a pediatrician you regularly see, please call 866-532-4362 to find a pediatrician on our medical staff.

A Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital cardiology team member will perform the EKG and interpretation will be completed by a cardiologist at no charge.


Please make sure your child's prescription specifies the EKG is for a sports evaluation.

A parent or guardian will need to be present to sign consent for the EKG test.