Safety Tips
Safety Tips for Your Family
In the heat of summer, taking a dip is a great way to cool off, but swimming can be dangerous for some. In fact, drowning is the number one cause of death among toddlers in the summer. Tamar Levene, MD, pediatric surgeon, talks about ways South Floridians can keep their families safe around water.
Check out this blog post for more water safety tips.
Watch video below for three tips for your family's safety around water in our video player
Did you know?
The Children’s Services Council of Broward County and Broward County’s SWIM Central are offering a swim coupon to help offset the cost of swimming instruction for children and their families at participating aquatics facilities. Learn where to sign-up for swimming lessons by downloading this list of Broward and Palm Beach County pools or visit Water Smart Broward to locate a pool near you.
The heat of summer can make training, competing and just playing sports particularly challenging for athletes. Matthew Fazekas, MD, medical director for Pediatric Sports Medicine, shares smart tips for preventing heat illness and staying on top of your game.
Check out this blog post for more tips to avoid heat illness while exercising outside.
Watch video below on 3 tips athletes can use to deal with the heat on our video player
As temperatures rise outside, in just minutes they can increase dramatically inside a car, creating life-threatening conditions for a child left alone. In fact, one child dies every 10 days from either heatstroke or being left in a car that gets too hot. Tamar Levene, MD, Pediatric Surgeon, shares tips to avoid forgetting your child in a hot car to help you have a safe summer.
Watch video below for tips to avoid forgetting your child in a hot car in our video player
Helping your athletes avoid heat-related illnesses is especially important during South Florida's summer months. Michael Dressing, MD, [U18] Sports Medicine, provides tips to help young athletes beat the heat and humidity for a safer summer.
Watch video below for heat related illness prevention tips for young athletes in our video player
Some of our favorite summer activities can be a source of burn injuries — especially for children. In fact, more burn injuries occur during summer months. Jill Whitehouse, MD, pediatric surgeon, talks about ways to stay safe and avoid burns around fire pits, grills and fireworks.
Check out this blog post for more sun safety tips from Tamar Levene, MD, pediatric surgeon.
Watch video below on tips for avoiding summer burns in our video player
Riding bicycles and skateboards go hand in hand with summer fun, and the fun can keep rolling by following basic safety tips. Dean Hertzler, MD, Chief, Pediatric Neurosurgery, shares the basics for preventing head injuries when children ride their bikes or skateboards.
Watch video below on 3 tips on bicycle and skateboard safety in our video player
Summertime means your kids may be spending more time online. What can you do to protect them? Christina Ortega, PsyD, Neuropsychologist, shares tips to help keep your kids safe on the internet.
Watch video below for tips to help keep kids safe on the internet in our video player

number one cause of death among toddlers
there are 1800 non-fatal drownings
every year in the united states with
florida leading the nation
the three things that i would recommend
to all parents this summer first of all
to make sure your kids know how to swim
swim instruction
secondly install proper barriers so the
kids can't gain access to the pool
and number three designate a water
watcher somebody who's supervising the
find more summer safety tips at

outside sport activities this summer
it's extremely important to be aware of
the heat heat illness is all about
prevention so the three things that we
want to focus on
are hydration make sure that plenty of
fluids are readily available for your
acclimatization for the first 10 to 14
slowly get into our activity and
nutrition eating smaller
carbohydrate meals more frequently find
more summer safety tips at

heat stroke or being left in a car that
is too hot as temperatures rise outside
inside a car they can increase 20
degrees in just 10 minutes to avoid
forgetting your child in a hot car puts
a phone a shoe or your purse in the back
seat or a favorite toy in the front seat
to remind you always keep cars locked
and keep keys out of a child's reach if
you can't find your child check your car
or your trunk first

hot it's humid and we know that kids who
play outdoor sports especially those who
wear hot and heavy equipment are at the
highest risk of experiencing heat
related illnesses hi i'm dr dressing and
here are a few tips to help prevent
heat-related illness in your young
first of all to prevent heat-related
illnesses you need to make sure that you
hydrate before during and after hot
practices and or games second think
about sun protection make sure you have
enough shade you have hats you have the
proper clothing and equipment to help
protect you from the sun third keep in
mind that players that wear extra heavy
equipment like baseball catchers or
football players need to be more
cautious so that they stay hydrated and
they can take breaks as needed we hope
that you guys enjoy your summer sports
and we want you to stay safe and stay
cool while you do

summer to prevent burn injuries and
around fire pits barbecues grills and
keep them away so if you're using a
barbecue children have to be supervised
100 of the time and at least three feet
away from the grill
and remember that even hours after the
grill is turned off it can still be hot
fireworks and children do not mix
do not let a child handle a firework
find more summer safety tips at

an accident so a few safety tips when
you're headed out on your bike
or your skateboard is if it has wheels
wear a helmet
it's also very important that it fit
properly if you have an accident
replace the helmet the helmet is only
good for one fall
make sure your bike or skateboard is in
good repair the brakes work
the wheels turn they don't get stuck
find more summer safety tips at

increase in how much time children are
spending online with social media and
it's really impacted their physical and
their mental well-being during summer
your kids may spend more time on the
internet so here are some tips to keep
them safe monitor their online and
social media presence for
age-appropriate activity it's really
important to look at how your children
are spending time online versus for how
long and you can install apps to help
with this it's important to have limits
creating a schedule with your child and
you want your child's input to actually
respect those boundaries and go along
with it keep communication open so your
kids know they can come to you if they
are being cyberbullied and spend more
time together screen free too much time
online can cause comparison anxiety or
depression children benefit from having
time with their friends with family time
time outside with getting good quality
sleep with eating well for their overall
well-being which really includes their
mental health and remember joe dimaggio
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